Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Life in a liberal city: (UPDATED) Austin police tell robbery victims to call non-emergency line: 'Call 3-1-1 or make an online report'

Update, 3:55 p.m. EST: In response to an inquiry from TheBlaze, a representative for the Austin Police Department sent this "clarification" about its advisory.

When a robbery occurs, callers should be reporting these crimes to 9-1-1. This is whether the crime is still in progress or no longer in progress. 

The [original] post was intended for victims of a jugging in general and not specific to robberies. Jugging is a form of theft that includes both robbery and burglary. It occurs when a suspect follows a victim from a bank to their next location before committing the crime. If your money was stolen from your car and the crime is no longer in progress, you can call 3-1-1 or make an online report. However, if you are assaulted or threatened during the “Jugging,” then you are a victim of robbery and should call 9-1-1.

Read the original story below.

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