Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hat tip: heyJudy

Did you notice that in the seven months since he's taken office, he has taken his family to Rome to meet the Pope ... to Buckingham Palace to see the Queen ... to Paris to visit with the Sarkozys and view the Eiffel Tower ... and Russia, to see the Kremlin. (Oddly, the Russians made no secret of the fact that they were unimpressed with him.) There's also the tour of the US national parks and, now, this delightful week on The Vineyard.

It isn't easy being President, is it?

Don't forget his "date night" in New York with Michy.

A last minute plan (at least insofar as the NYPD was concerned), it reportedly cost $300K for AirForce1 and the Secret Service.

To my knowledge, the tally of the overtime for the NYPD has not yet been calculated -- nor will it be reimbursed by the Feds -- because hundreds of officers had to be called in on emergency duty. (As it happens, I was at a barbecue that night and one of the other invited guests was one of those cops who leads the motorcades. He was called away at the last minute, top-top secret ... he later told us that it was for the Obamas. Whole highways were closed, almost every street in the theatre district, their route up from the restaurant in Greenwich Village....)

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