Friday, February 5, 2010

Hillary Clinton: Israel Has No Right To Judea and Sumeria

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton stated “Of course, we believe that the 1967 borders, with swaps, should be the focus of the negotiations over borders.” You might not think this is significant as the Palestinians have been talking about having Israel return to the 1967 borders for years (though a pretty large group still want Israel to go back to pre-1948 borders, you know, when there was no Israel). But think about it, if Israel and the Palestinians each had equal right to the land, you would think that there would need to be negotiations as to what parts would belong to Israel and what parts don't. By talking about 1967 borders and swaps in this way, Hillary is saying that Israel is an illegal occupier with no legitimate right to the land and the only way they will get even a sliver of Judea and Sumeria would be if they gave up a part of pre-1967 Israel. Forget 3,000 years of history & international law (the Six Day War was a war of self-defense and Israel did not take the land from the Palestinians but from countries bent on Israel's destruction and besides Syria, both Egypt and Jordan have essentially withdrawn any claim to the land). It is really unbelievable. After all, what kind of negotiation is it when one party is supposed to give up 100% and get pretty much nothing in return. Remember when Israel withdrew from all of Gaza and all of Southern Lebanon? How did that work out? Just more terrorist attacks and less recourse, short of war, when there is a terrorist attack.

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