Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Less Money For Charities, More for SEIU?

It's been widely reported that the new Obama budget raises $291 billion over 10 years through limiting the charitable deduction for high income earners. I just don't understand how any of this makes sense for someone who claims to worry about the needy. Even the usual class warfare arguments don't work here. So evil rich people are avoiding taxes by giving to the poor? Doesn't exactly sound like something that normal people would be offended by. And the end result of this change will be less money for charities & the needy and more money for the government, which basically means more money to fund those cadillac health and pension plans for those lazy government workers who never lift a finger to help you when you have a problem (and can almost never get fired, no matter how unhelpful they are). What a brilliant idea. Once again the people who claim to be so concerned for the poor and the needy do the exact opposite of what you would expect them to do.

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