Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Wall Street Really Thinks of Obama

Rich Karlgaard quoting Jim Cramer:

Every time we see a downtick in the popular polls for the administration or Congress, the large stockholders I know secretly cheer. They can't cheer out loud without looking like Scrooge. Or they fear the wrath of Obama, which, on Wall Street, by the way, feels like the wrath of Nixon. It is, however, how many of them privately feel.

You know it. I know it. It is just that nobody wants to say it. Nobody wants to even believe it, as it so downright cynical. And of course nobody wants to criticize this president, other than the people who are paid to criticize--the Republicans in Congress and various news entities that cater to the Right. You take your public life in your hands the moment you do. It's dangerous.

Bravo, Jim!

I sent Cramer's piece to a Wall Streeter I know (but who, for obvious reasons, shall remain anonymous). His reply:

"Cramer is so right. And the only reason people will not speak out is because they fear [Obama] will hunt them down."

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