Thursday, April 21, 2011

NLRB Outrage

Everytime I think the administration has gone as far as they can in ignoring the Constitutional limits imposed on them they do something even more outrageous. And where does the NLRB get the authority to tell companies where they can locate plants? We really are well on our way to a fascist/socialist state, where companies exist and perform at the whim of the government. Don't worry though, once you're forced into bankruptcy, the taxpayers will bail you out.

From Pravda (sorry, the NYT, hard to tell the difference these days)

In what may be the strongest signal yet of the new pro-labor orientation of the National Labor Relations Board under President Obama, the agency filed a complaint Wednesday seeking to force Boeing to bring an airplane production line back to its unionized facilities in Washington State instead of moving the work to a nonunion plant in South Carolina.

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