Friday, April 15, 2011

Too late. You've already done that.

Republicans will make US 'Third World' nation: Obama

The evidence is all around you to see. Go to a Wal-Mart or any shop and you'll see shelves that are minimally stocked. Your choice of items within a category have diminished to one or two from many. Inflation has pushed prices up by much more then a few percentage points. Gas is on everyone's mind but how about bread. I paid nearly $5.00 for a loaf of packaged rye bread the other day. Isn't that the normal way we look at life in Third World countries.

If this idiot child President ever left the comfy confines of the Kobe beef dinners he'd see what's going on. remember when George H.W. Bush was mocked for not knowing the price of milk. Do you think Obama knows the price of anything?

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