Where are
Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin when we need them? The crusaders against China getting its hands on precious American intellectual properties must go bonkers when they hear this: In the olden days, the Chinese had to steal and rob know-how from America. No longer necessary: Americans outsource know-how creation to China. At the forefront: General Motors.
Today, GM opened the final phase (the video above was for the first phase, but is still pertinent) of the GM China Advanced Technical Center in Shanghai. According to a GM statement, the center “will support advances in technology, powertrains, electrification and
vehicle design
for GM on a local and global basis.”
The center will focus on “new energy,” which is,
says Reuters, “a Chinese codeword for heavily electrified technology that powers all-electric battery
and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.”
The center wants to harvest the abundant and still relatively cheap engineering talent in China. As John Du, a director of the new center
told Reuters:
“There’s tremendous people capability in China with more science and engineering graduates than the U.S., Japan, and Germany combined. China now ranks first in the world in the number of PhD candidates, and these are talents we want to attract into the GM R&D and engineering workforce. Not just to develop product for China market.”
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