Sunday, July 7, 2013

This lady or Wiener for NYC Mayor? A sign of how far NYC politics have fallen. Back door central planning.

Mac attack

First he came for your cigarettes, and she went along. Then he came for your Styrofoam, and again she went along. But now she’s taking the lead, and she has your child’s Happy Meal in her sights.
We’re talking, of course, about Christine Quinn. Over the years, the City Council speaker has been one of the mayor’s closest political allies. She’s now striking out with her own nannying, proposing to regulate chain restaurants so that their kids meals meet the same federal standards as lunches served at city schools.
That standard means no more than 650 calories, 7.2 grams of saturated fat and 740 milligrams of sodium. As The Post pointed out in a recent story, that would rule out, say, a cheeseburger Happy Meal at McDonald’s — which clocks in at 850 milligrams of sodium. Chains such as McDonald’s and Applebee’s would still be able to sell but could not market products that went over these limits as a kids meal.
Christine Quinn
Some say Quinn is only taking a cue from Mayor Bloomberg. That’s only half right. It’s true that over his 12 years in office, Mayor Mike has tried to impose his personal lifestyle on the city through initiatives targeting everything from salt and Styrofoam to trans fats and sugar.
But it’s also true that on other key issues for the city, Bloomberg has been a voice for sanity. For example, he has rightly spoken up against efforts such as the council’s recent vote to impose paid sick leave on city employers, he has championed charter schools and he has been a stalwart defender of a police force that has made Gotham the safest big city in the nation.
On all these issues, Quinn has come down on the other side of Bloomberg. Meanwhile, she seems to have found her inner nanny. So now she’s vowing to go after chains such as McDonald’s — all in the name of “the children.” And if she can’t do it through legislation, she’ll go through the unrepresentative Department of Health. It speaks to the caliber of our mayoral candidates that we’re debating the future of Happy Meals rather than the issues that a would-be mayor ought to be addressing: crime, schools and the economy.
In short, Candidate Quinn is signaling that with her we would get the worst of both worlds: the full Bloomberg nanny without any of his principled stands for common sense.

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