Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Calling the UN and Obama: Isn't Hamas advocating violating the Geneva Convention?

Hamas Spokesman: 'All Israelis Have Now Become Legitimate Targets'

Israel responds by telling military to "take off the gloves."

Hamas puts its military assets in civilian areas including mosques so it will provide the optics of an attack on the population. The Islamists kill and maim more women and children ever day with terrorist acts. The Palestinians have been at war with Israeli civilians since they started calling themselves Palestinians. The Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews everywhere.

Hamas next argument, which goes down very well with the Jew hating left, is disproportionate force charge. A specious argument and totally absurd. But, it plays to the current mindset of the radical egalitarians. Everything must be even. We can't have winners and losers. This mentality can only exist in a mind that lacks confidence in their values and project into the world fantastical thinking.  

It's past time to stop funneling money to the Palestinians. Every dollar we sent them displaces a dollar they would had to use for food, salaries, etc. That money is now used to purchase weapons, missiles and bullets.

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