Monday, September 7, 2015

Exposing the totalitarian Fabians

What do Bob Geldorf, Samantha Power, Joseph Kony, Jeh Johnson and Charles Rivkin Have In Common?…

“We are the world… we are the children;  We are the one’s who make a better life, so let’s start giving….  There’s a dream we’re making, we’re saving our own lives, it true we’ll make a better world, just you and me….

Sound familiar?  Could you sing it if we only provided the first stanza?  Most likely the answer is yes.  The bigger question is “why”?
Samantha power and Obama
How about another one?  More subtle maybe; this one from 2011:
This week’s biggest Africa news isn’t from Africa. It’s from a massive online and social media campaign launched by the American advocacy group Invisible Children to capture indicted war criminal and Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony
As with their previous campaigns Displace Me and How it Ends, Invisible Children launched Stop Kony 2012 on Tuesday to mobilize the next generation of young Americans to help end the conflict in northern Uganda – except this time, they called on their mostly white, privileged, and educated youth followers to get involved through web-activism on their FacebookTwitterTumblr and YouTubeaccounts.
Lords Resistance Army - LRA - Joseph Kony - UgandaIt all begins with a remarkable 30-minute video highlighting the instantaneous and hyper-connected world we live in. Founder Jason Russell narrates, stating “there are more people on Facebook than there were in the world 200 years ago” and that “humanity’s greatest desire is to belong and connect.” He may be right. In just two days, it has been viewed 32 million times and quickly grabbed the attention of personalities such as Oprah WinfreyVan JonesSean Combsand Rihanna
Yup, that was #KoneySurrender or The Invisible Children campaign from 2011.  Remember it?  Kony was wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Kony 2012, was viewed 41 million times on YouTube, most of them on one day, Thursday March 7th 2012. An additional 445,000 people “liked” it on Facebook. And on Twitter, celebrities such as Justin Beiber, Will Smith and J.K. Rowling pushed the trend by sending out tweets. One tweet by P. Diddy was retweeted more than 57,000 times.
The video went viral, and even White House spokesman Jay Carney referenced it in his daily briefing.
What ever happened to that LRA Joseph Kony guy?
But that was so four years ago.
How about we try another more recently:
Michelle Obama tweet

What ever happened to those girls? and, more importantly, what ever became of  that meme?

But, then again, that was so long ago….. how about something more recent:
JULY 2014 – President Obama, the media and liberal progressives framed the border surge as a humanitarian crisis from the beginning – thus making it an automatic win for him and the amnesty crowd.
Why? Because anyone who doesn’t aid and abet the illegals would look -and seem- like a heartless ogre.  The framework provided the “shield”.
And these idiots fell for it:
sister Norma pimetel 2
Remember DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson going to an “EMERGENCY” Washington DC hearing to demand $4 BILLION in emergency appropriations?   If DHS and HHS didn’t get the emergency funding they wouldn’t be able to deal with the 100,000+ unaccompanied illegal alien children.  It was a “Humanitarian Crisis”.
Everyone seemed to forget/overlook the appropriations were never given, the funding never delivered, and yet for some weird reason the world didn’t end, and the humanitarian crisis never quite evolved.
After a few months we were able to prove the “crisis” was entirely manufactured.  It was a ruse; a false story – totally fake.   Yeah, funny that.
Samantha Power Leaving White House West WingThe Fabian’s come in a variety of sub-forms: Globalists, Socialists, Progressives Communists, Keynesians, The Open Border Crowd, et al.  However, the central DNA which aligns them all is a general view of a Central Planning Authority with control over the individual.
Back in the older days the Fabian’s rose from the Frankfurt School which transitioned to become Columbia University.  They formed, indoctrinated and spread out over decades.  As technology evolved, they refined their ability to sell their collective world view via social media platforms.  But the origin of the ideology goes directly back to the Frankfurt School.
Fabian’s generally support a principle that human activity is able to be controlled toward a “better outcome”.   They believe central planning by a central body can create a fundamentally better society than if individuals were left to their own decisions.
However, central planning requires essential ingredients in order to be successful.   One of the most important aspects is the removal of national identity in favor of a more collective view of the multi-nation construct.   Nationalism must be deconstructed and patriotic sentiment changed in favor of a larger sense of identity, a multi-cultural identity.
One aspect of the new larger identity needs to be a new acceptance of immigration.  A view of “One Collective People” helps to remove the national identity in favor of the collective.  Think of it like a Global Version of a melting pot.  However, the planners also need to construct a socio-economic underline to the new identity, this is a little more challenging.
The socio-economic aspects can be major roadblocks in the assimilation models of central planners, so strategies need to be developed to improve the acceptances of the nationalist minded individuals.

This is the general purpose of the U.S. State Department, and Obama/Clinton’s use of the Charles “Rivkin Project“.

Rather than explain the Rivkin Project here I would suggest you read this link where we have previously outlined the purpose.    The short version/adjective is “forced assimilation”.
Samantha Power - Democracy NowSo long as the economics support assimilation, meaning the immigrants can find work and sustain themselves, then not too much attention is directed to the objectives.
However, once the economics of a situation change, and the immigrant can no longer support themselves, then the nationalists have cause for concern.   After all, it does not take long for an non self-sustaining immigrant to appear as a demanding parasite upon a nationalist host.
That’s when things get really sketchy for the Fabians because they are left trying to convince an electorate to vote against, take action against, their own best interests.  Modern Fabians have found tools to overcome this hurdle, hollywood, social media and massive doses of indoctrinated peer pressure – all evidenced in the examples above.
It’s so good, you don’t even recognizing yourself being influenced by it right?  Hence:

“We are the world… we are the children;  We are the one’s who make a better life, so let’s start giving….

Perhaps, this new paradigm might just deliver a dose of re-evaluation.
The Fabian psychological approach is always best when used in combination with “children”.  Ah, the innocents – the poor children, always the victims.
turkey sympathyI could spend hours of readership time explaining the nuts and bolts of how this most recent “humanitarian crisis” is generally manufactured; similar in many ways to the 2014 “humanitarian UAC crisis” outlined above.  However, another web-researcher has already assembled all the aspects of the deconstruction:
(Via Muslim Issue) 4 millions Muslims pretend to escape 30,000 ISIS fighters who are not even near their towns, cities and even countries. This kind of mass-migration fraud is a medieval war strategy and it’s called Hijrah. It’s part of jihad.
Ok, so let’s follow the absurd and deeply misused asylum and refugee policy and pretend that they are victims of war and need to escape. Very easy to resolve. Pressure the 49 Islamic countries around the world to take them all in. Block them from all and total entry into the West. If the Islamic countries don’t take them in – put trade sanctions on them. Watch and see how quickly this mass-migration flood will come to an end when the Muslims realize that they can’t get their Hijrah to work!
Abdullah Kurdi’s story is made-up. But his lies are now being used and rewarded by the media in full blown propaganda, while pressuring policies to force Europe to take in more economic migrants who have never experienced a war zone. The dead toddler pornography is a dream-come true PR campaign serving ISIS and their overwhelming Muslim supporters.
Abdullah was never on that boat to watch his wife and children drown. That’s why he was the only survivor. The first time he learned of their death was from the hospital after the photos of his young son was circulating in the media. Listen to all the contradictions and holes in his story.
This was an attempt to send his wife and children into Europe before his own arrival to apply for refugee status as a lone woman with children, while they never even lived in a war zone.  Unfold the #migrationfraud

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