Monday, September 7, 2015

Hillary's tech guy didn't report the off-the-books pay. A pretty big lever to get him to squeal. Another Democrat tax cheat.

Pagliano didn't disclose off-the-books pay for secret work on Hillary's server
By Thomas Lifson
Well, well, well, we now know at least one reason why Bryan Pagliano took the Fifth. Buried in the 13th paragraph of the Washington Post story on him two days ago is this tidbit, spotted by Scott Johnson of Powerline:
Pagliano did not list the outside income in the required personal financial disclosures he filed each year.
This could lead to criminal charges:
In addition to any Committee action, the Ethics in Government Act authorizes the Attorney General of the United States to seek a civil penalty of up to $50,000 against an individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies or fails to file or to report any required information. Moreover, anyone who knowingly and willfully falsifies or conceals any material fact in a statement to the Government may be subject to fines, criminal prosecution, and sentencing.
See 5 U.S.C. appx. § 104(a).
If the political will exists to bargain with Pagliano to flip on Hillary and spill the beans, there are some interesting possibilities ahead. Former prosecutor Trey Gowdy knows how it's done. 

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