Monday, January 8, 2018

A little criminal history.

Cosa Sinistra: The Left as Crime Family

The left indeed has become a family.  Unfortunately, it often resembles the Gotti crime family (hat tip: Larry Schweikart).
Let's face it: Republicans have their share of corruption, but what the left has become is not tinged with the normal shortcomings of humanity.  It's become criminal.
Literally.  Fully.  And seriously.
Let's look at a few shades of leftist criminality.  I don't mean the common finger-pointing, where leftists claim that anything done by the center-right is "criminal."  Like being for tax cuts.  Being pro-life.  Or against illegal immigration.  Voting for Trump was criminal.  The left thinks anyone to its right is criminal.
But most sane people know that's not true.  It's hyperbole for the sake of cowing those who hold differing opinions.  It's a political smear writ large – and, might I say, projection.  Leftist often accuse others of doing what they do.  Not only does it help them feel better about themselves, but it'

n itself, that mindset isn't essentially criminal.  Maybe you could say it's a shade of gray or misdemeanor.  But therein lies the first step on the road to where they ended up.  They begin by stepping across a line, and they wake up fully criminal.  Let's follow the path downward.
The early Clinton escapades weren't the outcome of being Boy Scouts.  Using political influence to do a land deal in Arkansas, or to gain $100,000 in the commodity market for being the governor's wife, was a pretty good sign of who they are – as were Bill's early sexual predations and Hillary's early persecution of the women he used.
The thuggishness of Barack was clear early on.  There was his land deal, wherein he enriched himself with Tony Rezko in Chicago.  All his political wins came by nefariously taking out his political opponents rather than beating them fairly in the arena of ideas.  Everyone should have known.
They all got away with their less than honest early deals but were awarded more power as a result of their nefarious actions.  The left loved their ability to lie as they skated through the finish line unscathed. 
The next big step up the ladder for the Clintons was becoming president.  Posing as the married version of Jimmy Stewart playing Mr. Smith, they simply dug into the seediest side of politics.  Having succeeded in the small pay-to-play of Arkansas, they let it all loose on Washington, D.C. 
The Clintons were the ones to begin the full politicization of the DOJ.  Remember when they fired every single attorney at the DOJ, replacing them with their own loyalists?  That was 1993.  Our cheerleading leftist media said nothing.  After all, they were kindred souls staying silent in the face of shared corruption.  Then there was the matter of the famous FBI files the Clintons pilfered, the secret files that illegally gave them dirt (and leverage) on their political opponents.  Yeah, Bill, "a bureaucratic snafu."  And no, that's not what it was.  It was simply aggrandizement of criminal power.
They would go on to trading secrets of rocket technology to the Chinese for political donations – a deal that would advance Chinese missile capacity twenty years overnight.  I remember Tim Russert pleading on Meet the Press" for the media to start reporting because "this was really happening."  Well, they got away with that, too – along with a host of other illegal and nasty activities.
Barack had his share of shady dealings once he hit D.C., but was a bit more circumspect in hiding what he was doing.  Nurtured under the Chicago political machine, the master school of pay-to-play politics, everyone should have known the kind of corrupt monster he was.  Instead, he convinced boatloads of people, and a gullible, like-minded media, that he was some kind of light-worker who healed the Earth.
Under that guise, he was scorching the earth. 
He began his funneling of money to leftist causes right away with his "stimulus package," stimulating and filling the coffers of his pay-to-playmates.  Many of his bundlers simply took money, as they did in the Solydra solar deal, absconding with millions of dollars and producing nothing.  His union leaders scored tons of money.  As the rest of the U.S. floundered, his already well heeled donors were paid handsomely from this illicit mess.  To this day, we don't know where most of that money went.  Uncle Joe Biden just turned a blind eye.  And no one suffered for his ugly, illegal collusion to steal from the public trough.
Contrary to media and Democratic Parry claims, St. Barack didn't have a scandal-free presidency.  Far from it – most of it was nothing but scandal, unreported by the fawning press.  It was a time period where the media refused to call out the obvious and many scandals for what they were.  Let's just say they were kindred souls, fellow travelers, the media and St. Barack.  Friends and bundlers receiving money for nothing.
Fast and Furious.  The IRS targeting.  The weaponizing of the bureaucracies.  Just to name a few.  Heck, if a leftist political fact-check site calls your Obamacare lie the "lie of the year," it had to be the lie of the century.
Make no mistake: the Clinton-Obama axis was criminal already, pay-to-play was their M.O., and they had gotten away with it for years.
Let's fast-forward to the heavy stuff.  And this is the stuff that is darkly criminal, no shades of gray here.
The Clinton Foundation.  Clearly, they enriched themselves with pay-to-play schemes.  The reports of Hillary's dealings as secretary of state with those who paid the Clinton Foundation are legion.  Documents upon documents introducing themselves to Madame Secretary were earmarked by a staffer "FOB."  This was the sign of favor, the way to get to see her, the way to get favors in return.  You had to be a donor.  FOB, indeed.
Uranium One, the Mother of All Scandals, is typical.  This was a matter of one hundred fifty million dollars, mysteriously donated by Russian interests, who benefited after all the parties in the U.S. government signed off.  Bill's speaking fees in Moscow were Over 600K per speech – double his normal pay-to-play fee.  
The Trump Dossier.  Paid for by the Hillary campaign.  Used as a pretense to spy on the Trump campaign.  Used as a pretense for the so-called collusion case. 
All of this is deeply criminal – nor gray, lacking even the slightest hint of another explanation.  And we now know that all these cases are being investigated and have been for months.  We now know there are four separate criminal cases being investigated with Clinton involvement.
St. Barack?  He's been having a great time partying with the Hollywood moguls, all the while thinking his breee-illiant "insurance" plan to get rid of Trump was on. 
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum: all his fellow travelers are being outed.  The cadre of FBI agents and DOJ political partisans: Strzok, McCabe, Ohr, Comey, Brennan, and so many others are being outed for their own forms of, yes, criminality.  Helping with the phony Steele Trump dossier while you are high up at the FBI or DOJ is criminal.  Going to the FISA courts to unmask Trump campaign associates based on the dossier is criminal.  Turning over that information to other higher-ups in the Obama administration – that's criminal.  This is the kind of thing that happens in totalitarian regimes.
For all those who have been asking where Jeff Sessions has been, let me say he's been thankfully quiet.  He's gotten a lot of ill deserved negativity.  But he's a busy man.  As you can see, so many investigations, so little time.  Likewise, the Republican investigating committees are now doing their part.  And Judicial Watch.  God bless them all.
Sean Hannity calls this the year of the boomerang. 
I'm calling it the year of the sting.  The chickens are coming home to roost.  Most of these people are going to jail.  They committed criminal acts.
It took four years to dot the Is and cross the Ts to put away John Gotti.  It may take that long again, but it's happening, and happening as I write.  As we sit here, the Democrats are suddenly running from the Trump dossier.  They're all spinning with flushed faces, trying to excuse (or more often ignore) the criminality of their heroes.  The evidence is accumulating.  They are beginning to whine about a "political investigation."  To all of you leftists who will be running away, it's not political; it was actually criminal.  And you let it happen with your dewy-eyed worship.  As you pointed fingers, criminality was being done by your side.
We don't know a lot of the details, but the greatest political sting in history is ongoing.  It's been dripping out for over a month and will continue to do so.  It's going to be epic.  And it will devastate the Democratic Party and its base.
But America will rejoice.  Criminals are going to be brought to their knees.

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