Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Democrat fascists don't care whether you're innocent if they say you're guilty.

Cory Booker admits something shocking about the accusations against Kavanaugh

Cory Booker admits something shocking about the accusations against Kavanaugh
Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) appeared to say that it didn't matter if Brett Kavanaugh was innocent guilty but that there was enough suspicion raised during his confirmation hearings that he should not be allowed on the Supreme Court. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) 
In a bizarre statement Tuesday, Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) appeared to state that it didn’t really matter to Democrats if Brett Kavanaugh were guilty or innocent.

‘He used language that frankly shocked’

Booker said in a statement to the media Tuesday that it didn’t matter whether Kavanaugh was guilty or innocent because he has shown himself to not be worthy of the “sacred institution” of the Supreme Court.
“So my hope that beyond the vicious partisan rancor that is going on,” Booker said, “beyond the accusations, we don’t lose sight of what this moral moment is about in this country and ultimately ask ourselves the question is this the right person to sit on the highest court in the land for a lifetime appointment.”
“When their credibility has been challenged by intimates, people who knew the candidate well as a classmate,” he continued. “When his temperament has been revealed in an emotional moment where he used language that frankly shocked a lot of us.”
Booker referred to the statement Kavanaugh made in defense of his character where he said that the false allegations were revenge for his role in the Ken Starr probe that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment.

‘Not whether he’s innocent or guilty…’

“And then ultimately not whether he’s innocent or guilty,” Booker asserted, “this is not a trial, but ultimately have enough questions been raised that we should not move on to another candidate, in that long list put together by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, move on to another candidate.”
“Because ultimately the Supreme Court is not an entitlement,” Booker continued, “just because he went to Yale, or the president of your class, doesn’t entitle you to the Supreme Court.”
“This is a sacred institution and the people who should be on it and whether you disagree with their political or judicial philosophy at all, the people who should be on the Supreme Court should preserve the integrity of the court,” he concluded.

Here’s the video of Booker’s admission:

Republicans have charged that Democrats have tried to “move the goalposts” in their accusations against Kavanaugh, from trying to prove sexual harassment, to alleging that he committed perjury about how much he drank in college. Booker’s statement supports the latter argument against Kavanaugh.

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