By Joy Tiz Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Ever since Obama’s installation into the White House, left wingers feel free to tout their radicalism. It’s as if they spent years trying to at least create the illusion of sanity and dropped all pretense the moment Obama was sworn in as Community Organizer in Chief.
Just five days after affirming on air that he is a liberal, MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes.
Stated Matthews: “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ‘60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done.
“’I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused, ‘Matthews said on his ‘Hardball’ show, speaking to guest Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, on the topic of President Obama’s health care plan. “
All practicing Leftists have been influenced by Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, the essential primer for all good America-hating radicals. Written by the great granddaddy of all community organizers, Alinsky’s book lays out the tactics to be employed in creating a revolution.
When I was growing up in Chicago in the 1960s, these folks were known as “paid agitators,” a far more accurate description of what they do. Community organizers were carpetbaggers who blew into town for the express purpose of whipping the locals into frenzy over some grievance, real or imagined. This type of “organizing” is not to be compared with legitimate, local, grassroots organizations that get together to put pressure on local officials to bring about a change for the better. Alinsky-style organizers are not concerned members of the community who pressure city hall into putting in a new stoplight. For the Alinskyite, the actual issue is of no consequence. The organizer doesn’t care about the community. The agenda is to gin up a revolt, which gives the organizer power. As Alinsky put it, “You want to cause fear, confusion, and retreat in the enemy, i.e. the Haves.” Remember Hoffer’s work on mass movements: the organizer’s task is to inject the society with an ailment and then offer the movement as the cure. “Agitate, aggravate, educate, then organize.” (Rules for Radicals)
As is always the case with socialism, Alinsky’s programs never succeeded. Barack Obama’s lack of success as a community organizer is what motivated him to pursue a law degree.
Alinsky’s favorite word? “Change.”
Alinsky’s favorite word? “Change.” Change to what⎯who knows? It doesn’t matter. Alinsky people don’t really bother themselves with the end game. They are preoccupied with agitating the population to manufacture crises, which allow them to seize power. Alinsky doesn’t really provide much guidance as to what to do after the revolution. “The organizer’s biggest job is to give the people the feeling they can do something.” “If the communists had been able to take over Europe and beyond, it would have been because of their knowledge of how to preach hope.” (
Saul Alinsky also subscribed to a style of ethics that has been described as “very fluid.” In other words, there is no right or wrong in any absolute sense. Marxists despise religion, the original source of morality; the Marxist has substituted the state for the church. The future president’s mentor didn’t believe integrity was an important quality, but creating the illusion of integrity is essential. Does any of this hope-and-change verbiage sound a bit familiar? Yet again, we pull back the curtain only to find Obama’s lack of originality. Whip the people into a frenzy, create a crisis, then offer hope and change—that’s the blueprint.
Alinsky’s writings aren’t anchored in any core values or principles; Alinsky training is about agitating the masses and overthrowing the current order. Alinsky taught that all problems are caused by capitalism. We can see his little protégé currently doing his darnedest to dismantle our free market system at warp speed.
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