Sunday, September 6, 2015

What the unvetted uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants has brought. The open borders supporters don't really care about your safety as long as their consciences are salved, cheap labor provided and Democrat voter base increased.

Three Illegal Alien/MS13 Gang Members Kill Teen In Virginia – Arrested Today…

Looking at the names, ages and origins of the murder suspects gives a clear profile of identity within the South American “Unaccompanied Alien Children” influx.
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Emphasis in the articles mine:
Loudon County Virginia – […] Danny Centeno Miranda, 17, was a student at Park View High School. He was gunned down in a neighborhood not far from the school’s campus, according to police. Schools in the area were subsequently put on “lock out mode” throughout the morning.
At a morning press conference, officials said Centeno Miranda was shot in the back twice. They have arrested a juvenile suspect, 17, and charged him with murder in the second degree and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. His name cannot be released at this time due to his age.
Police have also arrested two men involved with the shooting who are not U.S. citizens.  Henry Ernesto Dominguez Vasquez, 20, and Juan Moises Aguirre Zelaya, 18, both of Sterling, have been charged with possession of a firearm by a person who is not a citizen of the United States and accessory after the fact. 
Meanwhile, the school and Sterling community are dealing with the shock of the violent morning, which took place in the first week of the county’s school year.
Centeno Miranda transferred to the high school in January 2014 and officials believe that he came to the area after leaving El Salvador, says Wayde Byard, spokesman for Loudoun County Public Schools. (link)
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More on the three murder suspects:
[Loudon Times] A 17-year-old male from Sterling is charged with second-degree murder and use of a firearm in connection with a felony. His name is not being released at this time because he is a juvenile. 
However, Loudoun Commonwealth’s Attorney Jim Plowman said today that his office will seek to try the 17-year-old as an adult. 
“He will be brought into court on Tuesday for arraignments and advised to his right to counsel, undoubtedly appointed an attorney. We have every intention at that point of filing a notice of certification on his attorney and proceeding to prosecute him as an adult. The nature of the charge and his age and a combination of that I think is an automatic certification to do that,” Plowman said. 
Two other suspects, Henry Ernesto Dominguez, 20, and Juan Moises Aguirre Zelaya, 19, both of Sterling, have been charged with possession of a firearm by a person who is not a citizen of the United States and accessory after the fact. 
Dominquez and Zelaya are undocumented immigrants from El Salvador, according to Maj. Richard Fiano. The 17-year-old, he said, is believed to be from Mexico. 
Dominquez and Zelaya were arrested at their home. They lived together, Fiano said.
If convicted, they may be eligible for deportation, depending on how federal agencies choose to handle the cases, Plowman said. 
[…]  This is not the first time Park View has been in the news for possible gang activity. 
In March, a group of possible MS-13 gang members tried to recruit students from Sterling Middle School, according to a search warrant filed by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office April 8.
A group of Sterling Middle School students approached the school’s assistant principal, Elana Barham, and told her students from Park View High School in Sterling had harassed and intimidated them about joining MS-13, according to the warrant.  (more)
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illegal alien 10This is not the first, nor will it be the last.  Recently:

uac interactive map 10-5-14

Illegal Aliens Distributed by Obama Administration

– Interactive Map Here –

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