Friday, December 15, 2017

Black student organization wants to strip funding from College Republicans at Columbia

Black student organization wants to strip funding from College Republicans at Columbia

What a terrible time to be in college. It’s gotten so bad for young Republicans on liberal college campuses that leftist student groups are denying them their right to free speech by refusing to publish their voices in student newspapers and allow conservative speakers to appear on campus. Now, according to the Columbia Spectator, the Black Students’ Organization wants funding stripped from the Columbia University College Republicans (CUCR).
The SJWs take issue with the fact that College Republicans at Columbia invited “white supremacist” speakers like Tommy Robinson and Mike Cernovich to events on campus. SJWs have also dubbed Ben Shapiro a “white supremacist” which couldn’t be further from the truth.
The Student Governing Board designates $2500,000 per year for various student organizations on campus and is drawn from undergraduate student fees, according to the Spectator. The College Republicans received $4,640 of that.
If that’s not bad enough, it was reported by Campus Reform that The Columbia Spectator refused to publish an op-ed by Ari Boosalis, the president of Columbia’s College Republicans organization.
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