Thursday, June 7, 2018

An Obama era policy is now blamed on Trump. ACLU and judges joint anti Americanism.

Breaking: Judge rules on motion in ACLU lawsuit against Trump policy of child separation

Breaking: Judge rules on motion in ACLU lawsuit against Trump policy of child separation
A federal judge ruled that a lawsuit from the ACLU against the Trump policy of separating children from their parents at the border could go forward. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 

A federal judge has ruled on the motion from the Trump administration to dismiss the class action lawsuit from the ACLU against the ICE policy of separating children from parents when they enter the country illegally.
Here’s what the judge ruled 
U.S. District Judge Dana M. Sabraw said that the lawsuit from the ACLU challenging the constitutionality of the child separation policy can go forward. The Department of Justice had been seeking that the lawsuit be dismissed.
Sabraw said in the ruling that the policy of separating children from parents in order to “deter others from coming to the United States” was “government conduct that arbitrarily tears at the sacred bond between parent and child.”
She added that if the allegations are true, then the policy would be “brutal, offensive, and fails to comport with traditional notions of fair play and decency.”
The ACLU celebrated the ruling from their social media account.
“The Southern District Court of CA has denied the Trump administration’s request to dismiss our class-action lawsuit on behalf of parents and children brutally separated at the border,” they tweeted.
second tweet quoted Judge Sabraw as saying, “The government actors responsible for the ‘care and custody’ of migrant children have, in fact, become their persecutors.”
“They can’t expect that they’ll always be kept together”
There has been an ongoing public furor from those criticizing the policy as cruel and inhumane. Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the policy, saying that the children were “being well taken care of”.
“It’s certainly not our goal to separate children, but I do think it’s clear,” Sessions added, “it’s legitimate to warn people who come to the country unlawfully bringing children with them that they can’t expect that they’ll always be kept together.”
“Dems can’t get their act together!”
President Trump, meanwhile, pinned the blame of the policy on Democrats, implying that their obstruction on immigration was preventing better laws from going into practice.
“Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats,” he tweeted. “Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together!”

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