Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A liberal tells you what he thinks of fat tire peasants.

Coronavirus-stricken Chris Cuomo trashes CNN gig during radio show meltdown

“I don’t like what I do professionally,” he said. “I don’t think it’s worth my time.”
Cuomo then launched into a tale about a “loser biker” who confronted him on Easter Sunday for being outside his Southampton home with his family despite his coronavirus diagnosis.
Enlarge ImageChris Cuomo
Photo by ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images
“I don’t want some jackass, loser, fat tire biker being able to pull over and get in my space and talk bulls–t to me, I don’t want to hear it,” he said.
Cuomo said he wishes he could have acted like a regular Joe and told the biker to “go to hell.”
“That matters to me more than making millions of dollars a year … because I’ve saved my money and I don’t need it anymore,” he said.

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