Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The manifesto of the trans Nashville shooter

Nashville Trans Shooter Couldn’t Spell White Privilege, But Knew She Hated It

A white girl who thought she was a boy shows us the outcome of Leftist indoctrination.

Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who called herself Aiden Hale in her fantasy life as a male, was a product of what the Left has done to education. She couldn’t spell “white privilege,” but she knew it was evil, and was determined to do her part to eradicate it from the face of the earth. On March 27, 2023, she took a rifle into Nashville Covenant School, a Christian school in that city, and murdered three nine-year-old children and three adults, one of whom was black. Audrey Hale epitomizes what the Left inculcates into America’s children: bitter hatred and envy, violence, gender confusion, and abysmal ignorance of what everyone used to take for granted as necessary to learn in order to function well in society.

Ever since her mass murders, Hale’s “manifesto” has been a closely guarded secret. On Monday, however, political commentator Steven Crowder releasedseveral pages of this manifesto, making it clear that Hale acted out of hatred for Christians, white people and the wealthy, three groups the Left very much wants us all to hate. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) officials initially refused to confirm that what Crowder had released was authentic, but Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell confirmed the authenticity of Crowder’s material indirectly by directing that an investigation be initiated into how exactly Crowder got hold of this information.

“I have directed Wally Dietz, Metro’s Law Director, to initiate an investigation into how these images could have been released, said O’Connell. “That investigation may involve local, state, and federal authorities. I am deeply concerned with the safety, security, and well-being of the Covenant families and all Nashvillians who are grieving.” Sure you are, Freddie, and meanwhile, thanks for letting us all know that this is really material from Audrey Hale.

Hale puts it a trifle more crudely than, say, Ibram X. Kendi or Nikole Hannah-Jones would, but her ravings could otherwise have come straight out of the latest Critical Race Theory manual. Referring to the day of her mass murders as “DEATH DAY,” Hale wrote: “Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready…I hope my victims aren’t,” and “God let my wrath take over my anxiety.”

One page of Hale’s writings said in its entirety:

Kill those kids!!!

those crackers

going to fancy private schools

with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks

w/ thier [sic]  daddies [sic] mustangs
+ convertibles.

f**k you little s**ts

I wish to shoot you weaka**

d**ks w/ your mop yellow hair

Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots

w/ your white privlages [sic]

f**k you faggots

Enter that into the nearest poetry slam and it would likely take first place, as it sounds all the right notes as far as today’s cultural Left is concerned: the hatred and contempt for middle-class white people, the violent thirst for revenge for imagined wrongs, the idea that having a certain level of material possessions is an indication of moral evil – it’s all straight out of the Marxist grab-bag of resentment and hate that is foisted upon our children in schools all over the country these days.

It’s understandable in light of this that the authorities, all Leftists themselves or cowed and cowardly slaves of Leftists, kept this manifesto covered up for so long. Back in April 2023, TBI Director David Rausch lied outright about Hale’s rantings, claiming that “the killer did not write about specific political, religious or social issues.”

Why would Rausch lie so brazenly? Because he, or those who ordered him to lie, knew that if this manifesto ever did see the light of day, it would lead people to think that maybe pumping confused young girls with testosterone and filling them with class resentment and hatred is a recipe for disaster. Rather than allow for a large-scale reconsideration of the Left’s insane and destructive social agenda, Rausch and whoever orders him around opted to leave the public in the dark, risking future murders like the ones Hale committed, in order to preserve the Left’s empire of gender fantasy.

Even today, otherwise sane news outlets such as the Post Millennial are referringto Hale as “they,” as if there were many of her, and maybe in terms of the demons that possessed her, she was Legion, for they were many. Others are referring to her by male pronouns, without the slightest moment of reflection that maybe it was all the pandering to delusion and madness that led her to desire to commit mass murder in the first place.

But now we know. Audrey Hale is a classic product of American society and Leftist indoctrination today. And she should, poor soul, remain in death a rebuke to and repudiation of that indoctrination, as others step back from the precipice and stop taking the Left’s brutalization of reality in preference to reality itself. That, at least, would make Audrey Hale’s life not entirely a tragic and horrific waste.

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