Saturday, August 31, 2024

Columbia U. can no longer hide its anti Semitism

Columbia antisemitism task force finds professors ‘minimized’ Jewish student concerns, recommends new anti-bias training

Columbia University is in “urgent need” of changes to combat on-campus antisemitism, according to a sweeping report released Friday — which found some professors “minimized” Jewish students’ concerns of rising hate.

The Ivy League did little to stop the ostracization, humiliation and verbal abuse of Jewish and Israeli students in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the institution’s antisemitism task force said in the lengthy report.

The 91-page document offered a slew of recommendations to counteract the “serious and pervasive” problems that the faculty-led task force uncovered through nearly 500 student testimonials.

The report was based on the testimonials of nearly 500 Jewish Columbia University students. AP

Many of the interviewed students described losing a sense of security and safety on campus that existed before anti-Israel protests rocked the campus, leading students to suffer “crippling anxiety” that they could be targeted at any moment.

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