Thursday, September 3, 2009

If a story fits the template it's okay even if it's a lie.

Roxanne's Nonexistent RevengeHeard about the rapper who forced her label to pay for her Cornell Ph.D.? It never happened.

This is a sign of how far the mainstream media has fallen and why people no longer trust it. If you're part of a "victim" group you can make up the most outlandish stuff and no one will bother to verify a word.
The meme here is business is bad and only good if it does charity. I have long held the belief that corporate charity is simply another form of extortion. If individuals want to give charity that's great but to build charity into the business model is a distortion and should be outlawed. If Bill Gates through his foundation wants to give money to the xyz charity then bless him. I see no justification for the Microsoft Corp. to encumber their business with gifts to any charity. That's for the employees and shareholders to do as they wish. The further the individual gets from charity the more inefficient it gets.
It has been well documented that Democrats and liberals are far less generous then their religious or conservative counterparts. I find their lack of giving is rooted in two behaviors. The first is that they want the government to support the charities they approve of with money taxed away from other people. Secondly, they do not wish to take responsibility for locating and researching charities to which they would give their money. Remember they are charitable in mind and that's all that counts

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