Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What's next from the nanny state?

If this didn't work as planned then then next step must be more of it. It's the leftist way.

Study: NYC calorie postings don't change orders
Last Updated: 11:47 AM, October 6, 2009
Posted: 11:41 AM, October 6, 2009
New York City's pioneering law requiring restaurant chains to post calories on menus doesn't change the eating habits of people in low-income areas, according to a new study.
The study tracked customers at McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken in poor New York City neighborhoods with high rates of obesity and diabetes. It was conducted by professors at New York and Yale universities a month after the law took effect in July 2008.
Half of the study's customers said they noticed calorie counts. Twenty-eight percent of those said the calorie postings had influenced what they ordered. Nine out of 10 of those said they'd made healthier choices as a result.
But receipts collected after purchases showed people had ordered slightly more calories than the typical customer before the law was put in place, researchers said.
New York City health officials said because the study was conducted right after the law went into effect, it might not have captured gradual changes in people's eating habits. The city plans to release results from its own analysis of 12,000 restaurant receipts in a few months.
Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit health advocacy group in Washington that supports calorie posting, suggested low-income people were more interested in cost than calories.
For example, McDonald's offers a 300-calorie cheeseburger for $1.
New York City was the first in the country to put a calorie posting law in place. Since then, California, Seattle and other places have instituted similar rules.
The study will be published Tuesday in the online version of the journal Health Affairs.

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