Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Andrew Sullivan Wants Us To Invade Israel?

I really can't believe I used to religiously read Andrew Sullivan. What a friggin anti-semite:

I too am sick of the Israelis for their contempt for the interests of their most important ally, their continuation of brutalizing colonization of the West Bank, their shameless ethnic engineering in East Jerusalem, their pulverization of Gaza, the direct manipulation of domestic American politics by their ambassador, and on and on. And, yes, I'm also sick of the war crimes and theocratic insanity of Hamas, and the lame passive-aggression of the PA, and the inability of the Palestinian leadership to prepare for actual governance as opposed to the victimized preening and theatrics and violence they prefer to the difficult compromises required if we are to move forward.

And if Rahm Emanuel is sick of them all, one can imagine how the average American feels. My own view is moving toward supporting a direct American military imposition of a two-state solution, with NATO troops on the borders of the new states of Palestine and Israel. I'm sick of having a great power like the US being dictated to in the conduct of its own foreign policy by an ally that provides almost no real benefit to the US, and more and more costs.

Oh my, where do I begin. I guess at the top. I don't understand his statement about "contempt for US interests". The Israeli military and intelligence services have co-operated with the US for over 4 decades, providing valuable insight into our enemies. So what interests are they talking about, peace in the Middle East? He assumes that it is the Israelis who don't want a deal. The evidence points to the opposite. Israel has offered the Palestinians over 90% of the West Bank a few times and the Palestinians have responded only in violence.

"Colonization of the West Bank"? So in Andrew Sullivan's weird world, the Israelis have zero claim to Judea and Samaria, as if they are just outside invaders, and don't have a 3,000+ year long history in the land. That is a history that predates Arab occupation of the area by about 1,500 years. Also, there has never been a Palestinian Arab state (mostly because there was never a distinct Palestinian culture before being invented in very modern times). The Palestinians technically have no legal claim to the land. Israel did not take the West Bank from the Palestinians, but from the Jordanians (and if I remember correctly, only after the Jordanians decided to join the fight to destroy Israel).

"Ethnic engineering of East Jerusalem"? You mean building apartments? I guess his solution would be to ban Jews from their own capital. But I guess if you are advocating the US Army in Israel then that is not that big of a stretch for you. "Pulverization of Gaza" is also a bit of a stretch. When you have a terrorist group in charge of Gaza that continues to lob rockets and kill your civilians, what are you supposed to do? I think that the Israelis were operating at the utmost of restraint given how much Hamas wants to kill every Jew from the River Jordan to the Sea.

The American ambassador comment, I simply don't get. Is he upset that he might lobby one side or the other or just because he didn't speak at the anti-Israeli self hating Jew J street conference.

Now for the biggie, NATO troops policing the border after an imposed settlement. Now let's say that there is a terrorist attack in Israel and the terrorists evade NATO patrols and get back to their safe havens, I guess you might have US Army troops threaten to kill their Israeli allies in order to stop them from capturing a known and wanted terrorist. And this imposed settlement, how fair is it going to be? Would you just give the Palestinians 100% of the land just because you feel sorry for them and despite the fact the Jews have a far longer history of possession of the land and the Palestinians have no actual legal right to it? I don't know of any other country who is treated this way, especially not a US ally with a democratic system of government.

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