Monday, January 25, 2010

Bayh Trails Pence

So looks like Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) is in trouble in his race, trailing by 3% currently. While I sort of would be sorry to see him go as I would rather someone like Evan Bayh be head of the Democratic party instead of the schmucky thug who is in charge right now, it's pretty clear from his interest group ratings that Evan Bayh votes the party line the vast majority of the time. He got an 80% from the AFL-CIO, 100% from SEIU, 86% from Planned Parenthood and a 70% from the American for Democratic Action. On the other side, he got an F from the National Taxpayers Union, a 29% from the American Conservative Union, 11% from the Club for Growth and a D- from the NRA. So it seems like just about any Republican would be an improvement.

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