Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Security is Upside Down

So Michael Yon, the military blogger pictured below, gets detained and handcuffed at the Seattle Airport for what seems like no reason, while Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who pays cash, has no passport nor checked baggage sails right through. It's like they aren't actually trying to catch people but simply enjoy harassing people.


Unknown said...

From my sources: "Actually, according to Yon's own telling of the event, he was detained by TSA officials after he repeatedly refused to answer their questions while they randomly searched his luggage. (Apparently Yon decided which TSA questions were appropriate, and which ones were not.) But was he ever detained as a "national security threat," as Malkin stressed? Not even Yon makes that claim."

libertarian neocon said...

So because you don't tell the authorities what your job is they can put handcuffs on you? What does that have anything to do with security? And it doesnt seem like the TSA actually thought he was a terrorist at any point so why did they put on the handcuffs besides fascist thuggery? And finally, I havent read Malkin for a while so I dont really know what her claims were.

Unknown said...

YES. He didn't want to answer questions. Doesn't that make him looks suspicious? He came from Iraq, I presume. Lots of terrorists there. Why didn't he want to answer questions??? What was his attitude? TSA was doing their job. I got questioned leaving Israel by their security. I would never have thought about not answering their questions. Most of the questions were harmless, but they were looking for how you answered the questions. Profiling I think it is called.

Unknown said...

Please read this. It was not TSA. He complains about Israeli security.
I am beginning to wonder whether the problem is Yon, not everyone else. I guess you would call Israeli security "fascist thuggery"

libertarian neocon said...

He was actually coming from Hong Kong. And speaking of profiling, how many of the terrorists are 46 year old white christians from winter haven florida who served in the special forces?

I cant see Facebook at work so I can't see what he said about Israel. But I would call Israeli police fascist thugs. There was just a case over there where a 17 year old American who just made Aliyah was arrested for pissing in someones yard. He was then punched by police and thrown into some hellhole prison where he was gangraped. They don't have a bill of rights over there partially because out of necessity in their rough neighborhood, partially because of the semi-Communist bent of the founding fathers of Israel which didnt value individual rights very much.