But not to the students who were studying in the library.
Inge-Lise Ameer (Image source: Dartmouth.edu)
Inge-Lise Ameer (Image source: Dartmouth.edu)
Instead, Inge-Lise Ameer apologized to the gathering — which had been organized by Latino student groups for an entirely separate issue, the Dartmouth Review reported — and she reiterated the administration’s support for the feelings and demands of the Black Lives Matter protesters and those who support them.
“I’m very, very sorry that you feel this way,” Ameer told the crowd, adding that they should contact her directly if there are things the school should be doing differently. “We don’t want you to have this experience here.”
And despite the Review’s report that students were shoved during the library demonstration and one woman was even “pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting ‘filthy white b****!” in her face,” Ameer told the gathering that she would move toward getting “security for people that were in the protest.”
Image source: YouTube/Campus Reform
Image source: YouTube/Campus Reform
The students in the room snapped their fingers in approval.
Ameer added that, even though her office received “a lot of terrible calls” decrying the protest, “we told them that they were all ridiculous and that the protest was a wonderful, beautiful thing.”
“There’s a whole conservative world out there that’s not very nice,” she told the students.
After one attendee shot back with “they’re f***ing racists!” Ameer replied that she wasn’t going to say that.
She went on to say, “The reaction to the protest in the library … just displays our society very clearly right now.”
Ameer asked numerous “faculty and administrators in support” of the protesters to raise their hands at the meeting, and several of them did so, the Review added.
Here’s video of Ameer speaking at the meeting. (Content warning: Strong language):