It’s a religion of peace. Obama says, “respect it!
And don’t hate the cops – they’re devout. And just following Islamic law.
“Faisalabad: Christian teenager murdered after being sodomized,” British Pakistan Christians Organization, September 16, 2016 (thanks to Religion of Peace):
A 14-year-old Christian boy was murdered and his dead body was left hanging in a tree in a place called Gosh Nagar, Faisalabad.

Tree where body of Zeeshan was found hanging.
Zeeshan Masih had been visiting his uncle’s cattle farm at Shreejan Wala Dhera and gone out to buy a soft drink on the 23rd of August 2016, but never returned home. He was later found hanging dead from the branch of tree only a short distance from where his uncle’s buffaloes would go out to graze.
Despite medical evidence that Zeeshan had been sexually molested and some witnesses implicating two unknown Muslim men, local Police initially registered Zeeshan’s death as natural and not suspicious.
The Deputy Superintendent of Sadar Police constabulary, Saleem Warraich has stated that Zeeshan died of a heart attack, which he claims was induced by drinking a soft drink after eating fruit.  The crass statement was made during a press conference with national media groups including Duniya News and Express News.

BPCA obtained a copy of the post-mortem examination. The part highlighted in yellow describes a dilated anus and other tell tale signs of sodomy. There is a belief that local Government Ministers and Police are in cahoots with a paedophile ring. Our officer met with the family and the local community and uncovered this more sinister plot. We now know that other children are complaining about sexual abuse and it is believed that Zeeshan was killed for threatening to tell his parents.
Despite forensic evidence and a few witnesses local police has made little progress towards resolving the case. After pressure from the BPCA, local church Christ Assemblies International and Bishop Farhad Bhatti of Pakistan Christian Post, the local police authority agreed to register a First Incident Report (FIR).
Senior House Officer (SHO Farooq Ranja) and DSP Saleem Warraich have assured our local officer Kanwal Amar that the FIR will be filed after the DNA report is received. The DNA report is scheduled after one month.
Kanwal Amar Lead reporter for the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:
“This family are deeply traumatised. They have lost a son to an extremely heinous crime and the chance for them to get justice is limited. The manner in which police officers have attempted to camouflage this crime has hurt and angered them. They are calling for an independent inquiry into the handling of their son’s death.”
Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the BPCA, said:
“The brutal nature of the crimes inflicted on Christians in Pakistan is the product of their vulnerability and the warped minds that breed in the nation. The levels of rape, sodomy and murder in Pakistan are reaching unprecedented levels. Christians and other minorities are a natural target as they are disenfranchised by the country’s laws and statutes, which confer second-class citizenship upon them. In the main Christians are poor, illiterate and hold a pariah status culminating in an ineffectual response from statutory authorities when help is needed, who deem them worthless. No amount of laws can ever change a deeply entrenched community mindset that believes Christians are anathema – so crimes like this will continue and justice will fail time after time.”
Please sign our petition (click here)
The funeral of Zeeshan took place on 24th August and BPCA have offered to compensate the family for the cost of the funeral. We would also like to raise funds for the family to have a legal advisor who will ensure the police investigate this murder as far as possible. If you would like to contribute please (click here)

Father Safraz Masih identified his son’s body.- See more at: