Friday, September 16, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Twice Arrested Illegal Alien Kills Sheriff’s Deputy In DUI

- The Daily Caller - -
Posted By Alex Pfeiffer On 3:24 PM 09/16/2016 
A twice-arrested illegal immigrant killed a Kansas sheriff’s deputy on Sunday, a source with knowledge of the case told The Daily Caller.
Adrian Espinosa-Flores, 38, was charged Monday with involuntary manslaughter and he allegedly was driving drunk and crashed his pickup truck into the patrol car stopped on the side of the road. The crash killed Johnson County (Kansas) Sheriff’s Department Master Deputy Brandon Collins, 45.
[dcquiz] The Kansas City Star reported Tuesday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement had placed an immigration detainer on Espinosa-Flores. Immigration detainers request that an individual be transferred to ICE custody, detainers are written for immigration violations but not necessarily for being in the country illegally.
A source at the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department with knowledge of the investigation told TheDC that the detainer was because Espinosa-Flores is in the United States illegally. The Johnson County District Attorney’s Office told The Daily Caller they couldn’t comment on the detainer as the investigation is on going.
Espinosa-Flores was previously arrested for DUI in California in 2001 and a traffic violation in Kansas in 2013. ICE has said they were not notified of either of those arrests.
41 Action News reported that the Kansas police department that arrested him in 2013 didn’t notify ICE because, “it could be considered profiling because a lot of people of all races are arrested without a proper ID.”

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