Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Man who said he heard YouTube attack, helped victim: ‘I didn’t have a gun on me, but I wish I did’

Man who said he heard YouTube attack, helped victim: ‘I didn’t have a gun on me, but I wish I did’

Man who said he heard YouTube attack, helped victim: ‘I didn’t have a gun on me, but I wish I did’
A man said he heard the shots fired at YouTube headquarters Tuesday in San Bruno, California, and he also helped one of the shooting victims. The man also told reporters that he wished he had a gun on him at the time. (Image source: YouTube screenshot) 
A man who said he heard shots fired at YouTube headquarters Tuesday and helped a victim added to reporters that he wished he had a gun on him at the time.
A KTVU-TV reporter noted during a live segment that the unnamed man was ordering food from a Carl’s Jr. restaurant across from YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California, when the gunfire rang out. The man then said on camera he aided a victim who was brought into the restaurant.
The man told reporters than he went to investigate what was happening at the scene of the shooting, calling the gunfire “massive” and the attacker as having “no mercy.” The man said he heard at least 15 shots.
“What’s going through your mind?” the KTVU reporter asked the man. “I mean, people dropping, being shot multiple times, bullets whizzing, people bleeding. What’s going through your mind?”
The man replied that a woman named Leslie, presumably the victim, was on his mind — but at the same time he had to react wisely and quickly.
“I knew I had to be smart,” the man added. “You’ve got to be fast. You’ve got to think fast.”
Then he noted: “I didn’t have a gun on me, but wish I did.”

Police say the attacker may have been a disgruntled YouTube user who was angry at YouTube’s treatment of some of her videos.
The attacker wounded three people at YouTube and then turned the gun on herself, authorities told the network, adding that a fourth person suffered an ankle injury while escaping the gunfire.
Authorities are investigating a website that appears to show the same woman accusing YouTube of restricting her videos, CNN reported, citing the Los Angeles Times.

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