Friday, April 6, 2018

The corruption of the legal system

New details about basis for Andrew McCabe's firing from FBI revealed

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired last month for committing three violations of the bureau's ethics code, an investigative source told Fox News on Thursday.
The violations initially were uncovered by the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General and confirmed by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. They included lack of candor under oath, lack of candor when not under oath, and the improper disclosure of non-public information to the media about the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
The violations stemmed from McCabe's response to an October 2016 Wall Street Journal report about sizeable campaign donations from Democrats to McCabe's wife, Jill, during her campaign for the Virginia State Senate. The investigation found that McCabe instructed FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI public affairs chief Michael Kortan to work with the Journal's reporter to set the record straight.

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