Friday, September 13, 2019

Oh My, So That's Why Christine Blasey Ford's Father Didn't Come to Her Defense Against Kavanaugh

Oh My, So That's Why Christine Blasey Ford's Father Didn't Come to Her Defense Against Kavanaugh

When Christine Blasey Ford testified against Brett Kavauagh last year during his confirmation hearing to sit on the Supreme Court, she had the backing of the leftist media, the #MeToo movement, the pro-abortion movement, Hollywood, Democrats in Congress and her activist attorneys. 
But noticeably missing from Ford's corner was her family. Now, thanks to Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino, we know why. 
Writing for The Federalist, Hemingway and Severino report Ford's father actually backed Kavanaugh's nomination. 
"Within days of Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, a fascinating encounter took place. Brett Kavanaugh’s father was approached by Ford’s father at the golf club where they are both members," they report. "Ralph Blasey, Ford’s father, went out of his way to offer to Ed Kavanaugh his support of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, according to multiple people familiar with the conversation that took place at Burning Tree Club in Bethesda, Maryland. 'I’m glad Brett was confirmed,' Ralph Blasey told Ed Kavanaugh, shaking his hand. Blasey added that the ordeal had been tough for both families."
I'm glad Brett was confirmed. 
This news comes on the heels of new video showing Ford's attorney admitting that protecting abortion was one of the main drivers behind her testimony and accusations against Kavanaugh. 

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