Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Billion Jobs Created! ...and other numbers pulled out of my ass, by B. Obama

From Cold Fury:

Well, why not? If you’re gonna lie anyway, might as well lie big.
President Barack Obama is trumpeting a new White House estimate that his top economist calls “stunning”: His stimulus plan has already created or saved up to 2 million jobs.
The analysis is part of the administration’s quarterly report to Congress on the controversial $787 billion package of spending and tax cuts he signed weeks after taking office.
In answer to the obvious question: yes, he does think you’re that stupid. And those of you who voted for this mendoucheous piece of shit…are. Enjoy the ongoing poverty and despair, you fucking chumps.
“That’s truly a stunning and important effect”, Christina Romer, the council’s chairwoman, said in a conference call with reporters. “It has done exactly what we have anticipated it would do.”
Wow. An honest statement from the heart of this den of thieves, if only in an oblique and fundamentally deceitful way. Ed has a chart that tells you all you need to know about the absolutely ludicrous lies these commie pinheads are peddling. Ponder it well, serfs, as you brace yourselves for the next reaming.

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