Monday, June 1, 2015

Micro grievance rodeo.

Perpetually Aggrieved Muslim Flyer Tahera Ahmad – Not Her First Grievance Rodeo…

When a person walks around continually looking for grievance it should come as no surprise when they find one, or eleventy.

The ridiculous, and profoundly sketchy, story of the liberal Northwestern University Muslim chaplain, Tahera Ahmad, discriminated against by United Airlines because a flight attendant opened her can of diet Coke is one such invisible grievance that only the perpetually aggrieved could find.
Mrs. Ahmad takes to social media with her continual discoveries.  This is not the first time.
Setting aside her prior grievance, to keep Ayaan Hirsi from being honored at Brandeis University by contributing to a social media protest against the award, Mrs. Ahmad has also found a similar issue with movie theater audiences:
How about someone, anyone with common sense, like United Airlines, taking a more direct approach and telling Mrs. Ahmad she is being profiled as a possible terror threat because she is Muslim and using public transportation.
Nah, too difficult, not politically correct; the profiley thing is a big no-no.
Nope, instead we’ll grope 90-year-old nuns in wheelchairs, and force toddlers to undergo stranger dangers.
Now about that patriot act thingy…..

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