Wednesday, March 8, 2017

FINALLY! National Sorority Begins Accepting Dudes Who Pretend To Be Women

FINALLY! National Sorority Begins Accepting Dudes Who Pretend To Be Women

Alpha Chi Omega, the 193-chapter national sorority, will now allow dudes who dress up as and pretend to be women to become pledges and, ultimately, full-fledged members.
The sorority currently fails to mention the word “transgender” on its website, notes The College Fix. Nevertheless, a video released last month by Alpha Chi Omega national president Angela Costly Harris clearly sets forth the new policy.
“Hello, sisters,” Harris tells Alpha Chi Omega members in the video.
“Members from all across the country have sought guidance about transgender women who’ve expressed interest in joining,” she then explains between frosty smiles.
“To stay relevant in today’s world, Alpha Chi must be inclusive of all who live and identity as women regardless of their gender assigned at birth.”
According to The Daily Iowan, the University of Iowa’s campus newspaper, a few other national sororities including Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Gamma already accept transgender pledges.
The Minnesota Daily, the University of Minnesota’s campus newspaper, suggests that Alpha Chi Omega is the first national Greek organization to accept transgender pledges.
In any case, the president of the University of Minnesota’s Alpha Chi Omega chapter, Alex Hansen, said she supports the policy change.
“I know that on a national level, it was a question that was starting to come up a lot,” Hansen told the Minnesota Daily. “It’s not something that a lot of chapters nationally have made the choice to have.”
University of Minnesota Alpha Chi Omega member Melissa Medved praised the decision.
“A transgender woman is just as much of a woman as I am,” Medved swore to the campus newspaper.
“I think it would be really cool for Greek life as a whole to accept the people who are identifying as one way or the other.”
Not everyone associated with Alpha Chi Omega is happy about the decision. Some alumnae took to Facebook to express criticism.
The 230,000 women of the Alpha Chi Omega sisterhood include former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as well as actresses Dawn Wells and Alyson Hannigan, of “Gilligan’s Island” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fame, respectively.

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