Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Duct tape time... anti white mania has infected all government agencies: CDC: Black men better fathers than white men

CDC: Black men better fathers than white men

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which I affectionately refer to as the Diseased Centers of Control, have conducted a study showing that black men make better parents than white men.  The study, conducted in 2013, came to light in a recent Washington Post article on the Post's favorite topic – you guessed it! – of racism.
The study was conducted by the CDC's Division of Vital Statistics, centering on how involved fathers are in the lives of their children.  It found the following:
1) Thirty-five percent of white fathers who don't live with their children do not eat meals with their children, while only 31% of black fathers who don't live with their children avoid meals with them.
2) Seventy percent of black fathers help their children use the toilet, while only 60% of white fathers do.
3) Thirty percent of white fathers who don't live with their children don't play with them, while only 25% of black fathers who don't live with their children fail to play with them.
4) Twenty-nine percent of white fathers do not ask their children about their day, while only 21% of black fathers fail to do the same.
5) Forty-one percent of black fathers help their kids with their homework, while only 28% of white fathers do.
To put it bluntly, there is a crisis in the white community.  It's the elephant in the room.
We have to thank the CDC for bringing this to our attention.  The CDC are funded to fight diseases, but it's great how they take taxpayer money and do all sorts of creative things with it – like this study!
Now, what can be done to reverse the disintegration of the white family?  Here are some ideas.
1) Black fathers could get involved in Big Brother or mentoring programs for white kids with absentee dads.
2) The government could pay white women each time they have a child out of wedlock, to help them compensate for having an uninterested boyfriend.  This might inadvertently encourage white women to have more children irresponsibly, but it is really the right thing to do.
3) Recognizing the challenges white kids face with bad parenting, schools could give disadvantaged white kids preference in admission to college and graduate schools.  Even if the white kid has lower test scores, if he has a compelling life story, that should compensate for lower grades.
4) The government should establish branches that seek out white people from disadvantaged backgrounds for preferences in hiring for jobs.  The government could become an "employer of last resort" for white people from broken homes whom no one else wants to hire.
5) Hollywood can play a role in this too, casting white men in positive roles as doctors; lawyers; judges; scientists; and other capable, educated men, to give white kids from bad homes role models to aspire to.
Exit question: What else do you think can be done to help address this crisis in the white community?
Ed Straker is the senior writer at Newsmachete.com.

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