Friday, October 5, 2018

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…is this another "deep state" hoax? Sounds like one to me!

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…

If you thought it was sketchy that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford’s life-long best friend was a recently retired FBI agent and DOJ official, Monica McLean {Go Deep}; and if you thought it was sketchy that McLean and Ford were together on July 30th when Ford was writing a  letter to Dianne Feinstein, likely making the friend Ms Ford’s “handler” for the operation against Kavanaugh; then it’s even more sketchy today with a report that McLean was pressuring witness Leland Keyser to shape her statements and testimony to the FBI.
According to the Wall Street Journal the FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford.
WASHINGTON – A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigatorsthat she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh, which she later updated to say that she believed but couldn’t corroborate Dr. Ford’s account, according to people familiar with the matter.
Leland Keyser, who Dr. Ford has said was present at the gathering where she was allegedly assaulted in the 1980s, told investigators thatMonica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement, the people said.
[…] On Thursday, a day after sending to the White House the report on its investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, the FBI sent the White House and Senate an additional package of information that included text messages from Ms. McLean to Ms. Keyser, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Oh, and McLean’s attorney is…. wait for it,….. David Laufman.
Ms. McLean’s lawyer, David Laufman, said in a statement: “Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false.”  (continue reading)
If there was any doubt the “small group” of connected DOJ and FBI officials were behind the use of Ms. Ford, you can put that doubt away now that Ms. Ford’s handler, Monica McLean, has enlisted David Laufman as her legal defense.
They’re not even trying to hide it any more.
Michael Bromwich is representing Ms. Ford, and David Laufman is representing Ms. McLean.   The concentric Lawfare gang is working overtime, likely pro-bono.
It is beyond obvious now that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford was not just some random ancillary high school acquaintance of Brett Kavanaugh; Ms. Ford appears to have been selected by a group of politically connected FBI and DOJ officials for the purpose of targeting Judge Kavanaugh.
All of these DOJ and FBI people are part of a tight network.
“Beach Friends”?  Rohoboth Beach friends?
David Laufman was the Department of Justice – National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls.  He was inside the DOJ-NSD when the FISA application against Carter Page, and by extension the Trump campaign, was constructed, submitted and approved.
As most people are now aware the epicenter of the DOJ/FBI Clinton-Steele operation against candidate Trump stemmed from a collaborate “small group” effort of Main Justice officials within the National Security Division (John P Carlin – head); and officials within the FBI Counterintelligence Division (Bill Priestap – head).
David Laufman abruptly resigned from his DOJ position on Wednesday February 7th, 2018, without notice – citing “personal reasons.” {Go Deep} Mr. Laufman was one of the “small group” who interviewed Hillary Clinton, July 2nd, 2016, during the FBI email investigation.
Additionally, In his former DOJ-NSD position, Laufman would have held knowledge of the FISA “Title-1” surveillance program initiated on Carter Page and the “incidental” Trump campaign officials. Laufman would also have close contact with former Asst. Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr; husband of Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr.
To see Ms. Fords life-long best friend, FBI agent and influencer, Monica McLean, now represented by Mr. Laufman would indicate even more evidence of the “small group” motive.  Again, as previously presented, each of these DOJ/FBI officials are defending their interests -and controlling their risk exposure- from current congressional probes into the activity of a corrupt DOJ and FBI in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
These internecine relationships is likely why Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a follow-up demand letter to the lawyers for Ms. Blasey-Ford, requesting additional information to include the communications between the legal team and the witnesses surrounding Ms. Ford’s claims:
[…] I urge you once again, now for the third time in writing, to turn over the therapy notes, polygraph materials, and communications with The Washington Post that Dr. Ford has relied upon as evidence.
In addition to the evidence I requested in my October 2 letter, in light of recently uncovered information, please turn over records and descriptions of direct or indirect communications between Dr. Ford or her representatives and any of the following: (1) U.S. Senators or their staffs, particularly the offices of Senators Feinstein and Hirono, other than your communications with me and my staff in preparation for the September 27 hearing; (2) the alleged witnesses identified by Dr. Ford (Leland Keyser, Mark Judge, and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth); and (3) Debbie Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, or their representatives.
It would appear that Senator Grassley can see the outline of the group who orchestrated the smear campaign against Judge Brett Kavanaugh; and he’s going directly to those who framed the campaign for answers….


MITCHELL: The second is the letter that you wrote to Senator Feinstein, dated the — July 30th of this year.
MITCHELL: Did you write the letter yourself?
FORD: I did.
MITCHELL: And I — since it’s dated July 30th, did you write it on that date?
FORD: I believe so. I — it sounds right. I was in Rehoboth, Delaware, at the time. I could look into my calendar and try to figure that out. It seemed…
MITCHELL: Was it written on or about that date?
FORD: Yes, yes. I traveled, I think, the 26th of July to Rehoboth, Delaware. So that makes sense, because I wrote it from there.
MITCHELL: Is the letter accurate?
FORD: I’ll take a minute to read it.

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