Friday, October 5, 2018

Where the mindset of totalitarianism self righteousness lives.

Barbara Boxer’s former staffer arrested for doxxing senators

On Thursday’s episode of “The Morning Blaze,” Doc Thompson and Kris Cruz discussed the arrest of Jackson A. Cosko for a laundry list of charges, including unlawful entry and for posting private information on Wikipedia.
Cosko most recently worked for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) as a staffer, which allowed him access to private information about senators. He previously worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and retired Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).
Cosko illegally entered Lee’s office on Tuesday and accessed the Wikipedia page, which is connected to an automatic Twitter bot that sent out a worldwide update to anyone following the Twitter handle.
Cosko’s edits included posting home addresses, personal cellphone numbers, and social media accounts for Sens. Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and Orrin Hatch without consent. Other charges included witness tampering and identity theft among others.
Lee has not commented on the incident.
Doc and Kris were astonished neither Senate Republicans nor Democrats have commented on the incident.

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