Saturday, November 18, 2023

The government says you may not protect yourself!

Gun-toting LA homeowner who opened fire on intruders says his concealed carry permit was just revoked

The Los Angeles father and husband who earlier this month opened fire on armed intruders who ran up on him from behind — right at the front door of his home — said his concealed carry permit was taken from him in the wake of the headline-grabbing incident.

"After successfully defending my home and my family and my 5-month-old child, California has now decided to suspend my Second Amendment [rights]," Vince Ricci said in an NRA video released Friday.

Ricci told Fox News that the sheriff's office told him Thursday morning that his concealed carry permit was "revoked," and the cable network added that Ricci indicated the reason was him "yelling" at Los Angeles police officers when they visited his home to investigate the shooting three days after the incident.

More from Fox News:

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