Friday, August 9, 2024

Planned Parenthood has lost all ethical bounds

Detransitioners sue Planned Parenthood for gender malpractice— as our tax dollars fund it

Planned Parenthood was once considered a “women’s health” organization.

But women are out — now it’s up for debate what a woman even is anymore — and something very different is in.

A nonprofit generally associated with abortion on demand, recently Planned Parenthood has gotten into a different game: Luring people into the idea that they can change their gender.

The number of people, particularly young women, being “treated” at PP for gender dysphoria and given drugs in the mistaken belief a girl can become a boy or vice versa has skyrocketed.

With the increase in numbers has come the inevitable trauma.

disturbing report Thursday in The Free Press identified Cristina Hineman as the first detransitioner to sue Planned Parenthood for medical malpractice.

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