Sunday, August 18, 2024

The NY Times is anti Semitic to the core...isn't this what theNazi's did in the 30's while The Times hid the Holocaust

NYT Reporter Leaked Names of Jews in Australia Targeted by Anti-Israel Radicals

New York Times reporter in Australia leaked the names of Jews in Australia on a WhatsApp group that was then leaked to pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel activists who “doxxed” and targeted them for harassment and vandalism.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

Early this year, the contents of a WhatsApp group for Jewish creative professionals and academics, set up in Australia after the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, leaked and fell into the hands of pro-Palestinian activists.

The activists posted snippets on social media, along with the names, photos and social-media page links of many of the group’s 600-odd members. Before long, members of the chat group faced online and in-person harassment—including threats and vandalism—repercussions that for some have continued several months later.

Throughout the crisis, it has remained a mystery how the chat thread leaked in the first place. The events were set in motion in January by a New York Times reporter, according to a Wall Street Journal review of the incident and statements from the Times.

The New York Post added:

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