Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Greenfell Tower fire seven years later

Grenfell Tower report deep dive: Insulation manufacturers at 17:25 British Summer Time

Judith Burns
Home affairs reporter

Two side by side images of the tower before and after the refurbishmentIMAGE SOURCE, GRENFELL TOWER INQUIRY

Insulation was installed on the tower by companies Celotex and Kingspan - and the inquiry finds the marketing strategies of both were misleading, downplaying the combustibility of their products.

The bulk of the insulation on the tower was provided by Celotex and installed by a contractor, Harley Facades. 

Celotex made “false and misleading claims” and presented its product to Harley Facades as being safe and suitable for Grenfell, although “it knew that was not the case”, says the report. 

During the testing of its product, it had used magnesium oxide boards because they did not burn - but didn’t reveal this in marketing literature. 

Kingspan, whose insulation was used on a small section of the tower, also “misled the market” by not revealing the limitations of its product, says the report.

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