Monday, December 7, 2009

From the People's Cube

A little late but still worthy of a post.

During Thanksgiving, as American toiling masses traditionally give thanks to the government for what it has distributed to them, all conscientious members of community are required to experience the following emotions:

(a) deep gratitude to the government for letting them live;

(b) utter unworthiness compared to the magnanimity of the state;

(c) everlasting guilt for consuming what they have not produced, as well as for not giving back to the community according to their abilities.

If you do not experience said emotions, you are not a conscientious member of community and shall be disposed of according to the Party Manual (Page 894, Paragraph 5) with all your belongings confiscated by the state and redistributed to the more worthy members according to their needs. Report your Thanksgiving feelings here. Have A Glorious Progressive Thanksgiving! (It's mandatory) Red Square Director of Unanimity

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