Monday, December 14, 2009


Claire explains insurance and why the government fiasco being planned isn't:

When you pay your health insurance premiums to that eeevil capitalist insurance company, they turn it around and invest it, along with a ginormous pile of other people’s money, into companies, undertakings and enterprises that Make Money. Yeah, they pay their infrastructure of executives, silly-rule writers and annoying people who say “no” to you on the phone. The number of those profit-suckers is limited by the need for the company to Make Money for their shareholders. But, still—they, thereby, end up with more money than you/their customers gave them to use to pay your/others’ medical costs.

Money is spread, like manure, encouraging young, unrelated enterprises to grow [and, in turn, make more money/wealth] and you get your ginormous expenses paid for. Jobs, products, technical advances happen that otherwise would not have had a chance. Sure, you’re kinda betting against yourself since to “win” back more money than you put in you gotta get real, real sick. But that’s kind of a feature, not a bug since we all profit from the new economic activity created.

If we were to pay all our “premium” money to the gubbmint in the form of taxes, they would turn it right around and use it to pay for other people’s medical costs. Plus they would pay an ever-growing cadre of petty silly-rule makers and people to say “Hell NO” to you on the phone—if you can get through. [See: Medicare]

What’s missing? The Underpants Gnome’s Third Step: Profit.

So the pool of money gets smaller and smaller at each turn-around, nothing is created, and no wealth grows. The “premiums” taxes go up and the list of things they can afford to have money to pay for grows shorter. No money is made. No products are created. The only jobs created are those of petty silly-rule makers and people to say “Hell NO” to you on the phone.

How could ya say “No” to such a deal?

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