Thursday, December 17, 2009

Leftward, Ho!

Ace offers a new recruiting poster for the Left:

Join The Liberals

We're a clear majority of the people who count.

Oh, and PS, we're not elitists or anything. We're not counting most of you, not out of elitist condescension, but just because we happen to know what's best for you and are better able to do your thinking for you. It's just the way it is -- some people are good at thinking about politics and policy, and other people are good at fixing our cars and cooking for us in restaurants. We all have our strengths. Yours is serving us, and you do really good job. We just want you to know that. We're trying to repay that service by doing a really good job of thinking on your behalf.

You don't have to thank us. You do so much for us, it's the least we can do!

Oh, and PPS, we're also really into "democracy" and "The people." We are like so totally into those things. That's why we're trying to save democracy and preserve The People's right to be heard by denying these things to many of you, the same as you keep fire out of the hands of children, and schizophrenics, and the developmentally disabled. Fire is a wonderful tool, and when you're mature enough -- or mentally well enough -- we will strongly consider allowing you to utilize it.


Again: No thanks needed. We're just that swell. If you really want to thank us -- hey! Don't lose our ties the next time we drop off our dry cleaning with you.

No, just kidding. (g) We understand. These things happen.

You do such a good job considering your handicap. We're amazed by your progress on an almost daily basis.

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