Thursday, December 17, 2009

Taking Your Money And Giving It To Dictators

In case you missed it Hillary announced that they would like to pay $100 billion a year to "poor nations" to address their "climate change needs". So how exactly would that work? Would any country, no matter how mismanaged, corrupt and authoritarian, like Zimbabwe be eligible as long as it was hot there or there was a coastline? Wouldn't you be in effect be subsidizing crazy policies, like the death penalty for homosexuals in some of these crackpot piece of crap countries? I'm sure the looney leftists will argue that if we only allow developing liberal democracies to get aid, there would be few, if any, countries that would meet that criteria (they would probably also call it blackmail, even though we would be the ones sending THEM money). After all if a country has a free market democracy, it wouldn't need any aid, irrespective of location or amount of national resources. But that is exactly the point, as numerous studies have shown, giving aid to these corrupt mismanaged countries, only lines the pockets of the mismanagers and reduces the incentive for actual reforms.

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