Sunday, January 15, 2017

Does Christianity have a death wish? Has there ever been reciprocity?

Church 'deeply distressed' by Koran offence, says primus

Bishop David ChillingworthImage copyrightESME ALLEN
The head of the Scottish Episcopal Church says the Church is "deeply distressed" at the offence caused by the reading of a passage from the Koran in a Glasgow cathedral. 
The comments of the Church Primus, the Most Rev David Chillingworth, follow criticism that Islamic verses were read during an Epiphany service
In his blog, he also condemned the abuse received by St Mary's Cathedral. 
Police are investigating offensive online messages aimed at the church
The primus, who is also Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, said the church wanted to bring together people involved in interfaith relations. 

'Widespread abuse'

In his online post, he said: "The decisions which have led to the situation in St Mary's Cathedral are a matter for the provost and the cathedral community but the Scottish Episcopal Church is deeply distressed at the widespread offence which has been caused. 
"We also deeply regret the widespread abuse which has been received by the cathedral community.
"In response to what has happened at the cathedral, the Scottish Episcopal Church will bring together all those who are involved in the development of interfaith relations. 
"Our intention will be as a church to explore how, particularly in the area of worship, this work can be carried forward in ways which will command respect. 
"Our desire is that this should be a worthy expression of the reconciliation to which all Christians are called."
St Mary's Episcopal CathedralImage copyrightTHOMAS NUGENT
Image captionLocal Muslims were invited to join a service at the cathedral
It emerged last week that a passage from the Koran relating to the Virgin birth was read during a service at the Kelvinbridge cathedral. 
Members of the city's Muslim community had been invited to join Epiphany celebrations at the church. 
It provoked criticism because Muslims revere Jesus as a prophet - but not the son of God. 
The cathedral's provost, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, said the reading was aimed at promoting understanding between the two faiths. 

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