Sunday, January 5, 2020

Clarice's short history here exposes what the Democrat Party has become: refugee for anti Semites, criminals and pro Iran

Double Exposure: The Dems Coddling of Criminals and Iranian Terrorists

This week, the Democrats have been revealed as the party that exposes us to (1) criminal mayhem (often anti-Semitic) on the streets of New York and (2) terrorism everywhere as they consistently ignored it, indeed, paid off the perpetrators with pallets of airlifted unmarked bills and praised the worst of its perpetrators. The President has the magical power, it seems, to get idiots and criminals to expose themselves.
Mayhem on the Streets of NY  
Beginning on the first of this year, New York's “no bail no jail” law, enacted by the Democratic legislature and put into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo went into effect. The law allows those arrested for a large variety of crimes, including some that create serious consequences for others -- like third-degree assault, making terrorist threats, selling firearms to minors, money laundering to support terrorism and grand larceny -- to be released immediately on no bail. One assumes if they later refuse to appear for a court hearing they might well also be released on their own say-so. The new law provides that hindering prosecution, after all, is a no-bail crime. 
It may be true that some low-level crimes for which poorer arrestees cannot afford bail, means they languish in jail until trial, but this law is so poorly crafted that it includes crimes for which bail is warranted no matter what the economic condition of the person arrested, for otherwise there is no penalty for immediately repeating the criminal acts. Criminals learn there are no consequences for their actions. Of course, it won’t much affect the rich, who glide about in chauffeured cars and live in gated communities or buildings guarded by doormen, but the middle class surely are impacted. Once, again these misguided efforts to coddle the underclass have the effect of remaking our cities and states on a feudal model where the rich are protected and serfs who work and pay taxes  are in constant danger from brigands and murderers.
Days before the law went formally into play, a series of horrific anti-Semitic attacks on Orthodox Jews began. (Many more such acts, including harassment on subways and streets, were filmed and appear online though not in the press.) 

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