A horrific machete attack by an illegal alien gang on two innocent young men waiting on a platform for a Chicago El train has been caught on surveillance camera, and is making big news in Chicago. Chicago is, of course, a sanctuary city for illegal aliens under the policies of Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
Here is the ABC/channel 7 news report on the incident, which pauses the video to spare viewers the full horror:
WGN television also avoids broadcasting the worst of the attack and provides this account:
Around 12:30 a.m. Monday, a 26-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were waiting for the Brown Line train at the Kedzie stop.
A group of seven, 6 males and one female, surrounded them on the platform and someone in the group told them to flash their gang signs and they refused, telling the group they weren’t in a gang.
That’s when police say Mario Elvira pulled out a machete and started swinging. He struck the 26-year-old according to police leaving deep cuts to his neck and head. He continued to violently swing the weapon until the next train showed up on the platform and perhaps forced the group to run.
Police later caught up with the 4 adults and 3 juveniles charged with the incident 18-year-old Elvira, 19-year-old Kevin Ramirez, 20-year-old Kevar Preston and 23-year-old Jean Salvatierra. They are all charged with robbery, aggravated battery and trespassing on the CTA. The three minors, two males and one female, also face charges.
4 adult suspects
...one of the members of the group asked the two to flash their gang signs, but they refused, telling the group of thugs that they weren’t in a gang. Police said that 18-year-old Mario Elvira then pulled out a machete and struck the older male in the head with it, continuing to violently take swings at him until a train approached and ran the group off.
ABC7 reports that the older victim remains hospitalized in stable condition. The attack caused a gash 6 inches long and 1 ½ inches deep that required over 30 stitches to close. (snip)
WGN reports that the Border Patrol had been called in to investigate the immigration status of the assailants – finding that nearly all of them were here illegally — and probably all “Dreamers” eligible for amnesty under Barack Obama’s DACA executive order.
3 of the illegal aliens are suspected of belonging to the brutal MS-13 gang, well-known for using machetes against rivals.
How’s that sanctuary city status working out for ya’, Rahm?
Hat tip: iOwnTheWorld.com
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