Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hamas doesn't care about civilians and the AP is still peddling Hamas civilian death statistics

Gunfire, lawlessness and gang-like looters are preventing aid distribution in Gaza, an official says

LARNACA, Cyprus (AP) — Thousands of tons of food, medicines and other aid piled up on a beach in war-torn Gaza is not reaching those in need because of a dire security situation and lawlessness on the ground, a U.S. aid official said Wednesday. 

Truck drivers are getting caught in the crossfire or have their cargo seized by marauding “gang-like” groups, said Doug Strope, with the U.S. Agency for International Development. 

The sense of desperation gripping ordinary Palestinians is only compounded by the combination of Gaza being an active combat zone and a prevailing “general sense of lawlessness,” Stropes told The Associated Press. 

The security “that’s needed for the humanitarians to work is what’s really lacking right now,” the USAID official added.

The remarks are the latest amid international criticism over Israel’s campaign against Hamas as Gaza faces severe and widespread hunger. The eight-month war has largely cut off the flow of food, medicine and basic goods to Gaza, and people there are now totally dependent on aid. 

After all, what kind of deplorable bigot wouldn’t want to see Stockholm turned into Mogadishu

The Great Migrant Dumping Wars of Europe

FRIDAY, JUN 28, 2024 - 15:03

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

In our Diverse Brave New World, the realest Olympic game the Brotherhood of European Nations will play this year is a contest to see who can offload the maximum volume of migrants onto their neighbors as possible, whether to quiet domestic political unrest at home or as retaliation over diplomatic grievances — or, maybe, just to spread the loving and liberal Diversity™ around out of pure altruism.

After all, what kind of deplorable bigot wouldn’t want to see Stockholm turned into Mogadishu

Because the UN is a bad joke

UN, Taliban talks: Why are Afghan women not invited?

Hussain Sirat | Waslat Hasrat-Nazimi

12 hours ago

Rights groups have criticized the United Nations for not having Afghan women at the table with the Taliban in Doha.

Do you think a woman with her baby strapped to her back would voluntarily detonate herself? Islamist terrorism

Nigeria: Series of blasts kill at least 18

13 hours ago

A series of suspected suicide bombings killed at least 18 and injured several others in northeastern Borno state, Nigerian emergency services said.

Islamic terorism

Crossbow terrorist wounds Israeli embassy cop in Serbia before being fatally shot

It's not just Joe but the entire Democrat Party's all about lies

Here Are The 20 Biggest Whoppers Biden Told During His Debate With Trump


An explanation for w˙y the Biden's keep regang their nicnihomeand it's not to pays 'fair share'.

Joe Biden KEEPS refinancing his home — here are FIVE shady reasons why that might be

What a calls bastard

'Beyond ticked off, disrespected': Gold Star families blast Biden over debate lie that no US troops died under his watch

So bizzarre!

Woman, 18, cancels first date at last minute by calling 911, saying man is abusive ex-boyfriend threatening to stab her: Police

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Islamˆsts and Antifa are left wing militias and accept no objections

Rome Anti-Crime Unit Reportedly Raids Anti-Migrant Citizen Journalist, Locks Social Media Accounts

Tyler Durden's Photo
SATURDAY, JUN 29, 2024 - 09:15 AM

A prolific citizen journalist in Rome has reportedly been raided and by the Carabinieri (police for the Ministry of Defense)and accused of 'spreading racist ideas' on social media.

For example:

Antonio Mastantuono, who up until June 13th ran @RadioGenoa on X - which frequently shared videos of illegal migration into Europe, explained in a GoFundMe to pay for his legal expenses, that he has been "falsely criminally accused of owning some extremist sites and spreading racist ideas."

Queers are safe in Israel but not in Palestinian controlled areas or in any other Muslim dominated country...these people are outright delusional

Why there is no ‘pride’ for the LGBT community this year

June is ending, and LGBT Pride celebrations are coming to a close across the globe. 

But as marches and parades pour through London, New York and San Francisco this weekend, shame is actually the best sentiment that describes our community right now.  

Even in the wake of last year’s topless reveler at the White House’s annual pride party, 2024 has been a banner year for LGBT bad behavior. 

Indeed, from an obsession with pseudo-science and gender ideology to a blasphemous “queer” funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to LGBT hordes bafflingly chanting for jihad, gay folk around the world have embraced crusades and causes that are, ultimately, likely to hurt us most. 

Ghana has introduced one of the world’s most onerous anti-LGBT laws, mandating upto three years in prison for anyone who identifies as Gay or Lesbian. AP

In Britain, April’s Cass Report laid bare a national public health system failing gender-dysphoric kids and teens. “Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations,” declared Dr. Hilary Cass, a pediatrician whose nearly 400-page report revealed the recklessness of juvenile medical interventions that are often irreversible.

Rather than helping teens fully engage with their developing bodies, said Cass, activists, academics and physicians on both sides of the Atlantic are fast-tracking them to hormones and transgender surgeries with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”

The Cass Report echoes a similar brief from February by Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, a top adolescent psychiatrist at Finland’s Tampere University.